The first project we tackled was this hand and footprint love sign that I found on Pinterest. I bought a 8x10 canvas at Michael's and painted it red with some cheap acrylic paint
We have already established that Grace loves to make a mess, so naturally she loves to fingerprint. This is the perfect activity for a pre-toddler. It takes very little fine motor skills and is a simple concept to grasp while fostering hand-eye coordination, creativity, fine motor development, and sensory processes. However, fingerprinting may just be a little too fun. Normally Grace will transition from activity to activity without too much fuss, but if you try to stop her from painting before she is ready, she explodes. This kid could give a two-year old a run for their money in a tantrum throwing contest. Since she never wants to stop painting mommy gets a lot of pretty art.
Just for fun I added a bonus picture of Grace. She can walk with her walker all over the house but refuses to walk on her own. I know that she can do it because she has taken some steps by herself when she has gotten really excited. However, as soon as she realizes she is not hanging on to anything anymore she sits back down and crawls to her destination. I guess she is just not ready to give up her safety net yet. That's fine by me. I have enough trouble keeping up with her when she's only crawling.