I feel like everyone has their preference when it comes to diapers, and what might work for one family or baby does not work for another. We are a cloth diapering family (you can read more about our decision process and routine
here), so most of my recommendations are going to be geared more towards the cloth diapering mama. While we do try to cloth diaper as much as possible, we did have to use disposables with Grace between 4 and 5 months due to her casts (again, you can read about that journey
BumGenius 4.0 
- Favorite cloth diapers for children 12lbs and larger. They fit my average built child well and the only leaks I have ever had are from user error. TIP: I always choose snap over aplix closures except in rare occasions. Snaps are harder for little fingers to undo and they hold up much better over time.
Blueberry Newborn Simplex
- LOVE, LOVE, LOVE these! Perfect for a newborn, the inner layer is 100% cotton (yay! no synthetics on newborn skin), and it includes a snap down to keep the diaper from rubbing on the umbilical chord. This is also an all-in-one so no stuffing or leaning curve necessary (so important in those early days when new moms are busy enough.)
Planet Wise Reusable Pail Liner 
- Reusable and anti-microbial. A must for any cloth diapering mama. We have two and simply throw one in the wash with the diapers, and put the clean one in the diaper pail. We just use a metal
IKEA trash can for a diaper pail.
Planet Wise Wet Bag
- We have three of these. Two medium sized (holds 6-9 diapers) for everyday outings and one large sized (holds 14-17 diapers) for overnight trips. They keep the dirty diapers contained with minimal stench and work great for dirty clothes and wet swimsuits too.
The Honest Co. Diapers
- Free of toxic chemicals, fragrances, lotion, and latex, these are my go to when we use disposables. They fit great and have the cutest prints. I have never had a blowout, but occasionally Grace will leak after wearing them 12+ hours at night. I easily remedied that situation by covering them with a
Thirsties diaper cover
at night. Buying them as a bundle through
The Honest Co. is your cheapest option if you are going to use a lot of them. However, I rarely use them so I just pick up a pack at Target or Buy Buy Baby when I need them.
The Honest Co. Wipes
- Great non-toxic option with a score of 0 on the
EWG database. I normally use these when we are out because it is just easier than trying to wrangle a squirmy baby, find the wipes, and spray the wipe solution, all on those tiny changing tables.
Babies R Us Washcloths
- Thin, cheap, and duo sided. These are what I use for my diaper wipes. BONUS: They are colored so they don't stain as easily.
BumGenius Diaper Sprayer
- You need something to get the solids off of those diapers. Some people just dip and swish or use a spatula.
No, thank you. I much prefer to stay as far away from the contents of Grace's diaper as possible. The sprayer hooks straight into the toilet's water supply and Bradley said it was a simple install.
I will take his word on that.
Country Save HE Laundry Detergent
- Detergents are going to based heavily on your washing machine, wash routine, and water quality. We have soft water around here and a front loading HE washer (a recipe for disaster in the world of cloth diapering). This detergent works well for us. I have never had build-up issues and the diapers come out clean. Remember, that you do not need very much detergent to wash cloth diapers. It took me 9 months to use up one box and I even used it for some of our clothes as well.
Well that's it folks, our last post in this series. Over the past several weeks I hope you have found at least some of this information helpful. Maybe, you even found some products to add to your list. I am not an expert on baby products by any means, but these are the products I found useful and would buy again