Bath time is Grace's favorite time of the day. She really seems to be at home in the water. Here are some of our favorite things for bath time.
American Baby Company Organic Washcloths
- These just happen to be the ones that we have, but any washcloth will do the trick.
Boon Bath Tub Appliques 
- Grace's favorite bath toy. She loves to stick them in her mouth and on the tub walls. I love that they don't absorb water, so no fear of mold or mildew.
Puj Tub
- Honestly, I have a love/hate relationship with this tub. I love that it is small, compact and dries quickly. The downside of this tub for me is that it does not fit great in most of our sinks (we have those crazy modern bowl sinks that are impossible to clean.) If you have a standard bathroom sink in your house than I highly recommend this tub. It really snuggles the baby nicely. If you have vessel or other non-standard sinks I would look elsewhere.
Boon Whale Pod
- Adorable! I bought this solely because I thought it was cuter than the other bath toy holders out there. It features a shelf on top for Grace's shampoo. The bottom also lifts off so you can scoop up the toys, and it even has holes to drain the water.
Carrington Farms Coconut Oil 
- Coconut oil is a must have for every natural mama. I use it for all kinds of things, but I use it a lot as a lotion, diaper cream, and massage oil for Grace. It smells great too.
Munchkin Shampoo Rinser - Rinses the shampoo out of Grace's hair and also substitutes as a bath toy. Really any container will do the trick, but this is what we use.
The Honest Co. Shampoo & Body Wash 

- LOVE! It smells like an orange dreamsicle and scores a 1 on the
EWG database. It also doesn't dry out Grace's or my sensitive skin like other soaps tend to. PLUS I can buy two huge containers of it at Costco for only $15.
Breganwood Organics Bath Wrap
- Adorable and organic. A win-win. This towel is really absorbent and large enough that you can use it for years.
Does you child love baths? What are your favorite things to use during bath time? Comment in the space below.
Next week is our last baby registry post and will cover diapering.